We are recruiting
It has been an incredibly busy time for the Co-Chairs since we have embarked on the journey of the leading the NHS Muslim Network.
It has been amazing to see how engaged and forthcoming our members have been. The Co-Chairs really enjoyed meeting the network members during the Meet the Co-Chairs events and we thank you for attending/actively participating.
We were especially humbled by the number of our members, allies and friends who attended our Eid Al Adha celebration and learning event. We thank you for attending and engaging throughout the entire event. Once again, we would also like to thank all our wonderful guest speakers that attended.
This network is really important to us, and we have been reflecting deeply on the feedback we have received from the various engagement sessions we have ran. We are in a good place now with the strategic direction of the network over the next 12 months and are really excited with what we will be offering our members. The first step is to recruit to the exciting new roles, which have been advertised below.
The most important factor is to remind all our members that you are not alone and we are here for you.
We are really excited to share our plans for the next 12 months, which will be released in due course. In the meantime, if you need any support or just someone to talk to, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
With humble regards,
Your Co-Chairs of the NHSMN
The new Co-Chairs have been extremely busy putting a strategy in place for the next year, subsequent to feedback from our members and Executive team. To support the new strategy, which will be shared with members in due course, the Co-Chairs are recruiting to five exciting roles, as follows:
- General secretary
- Head of Events
- Head of Communications
- Head of Talent and Wellbeing
- Head of Islamic Support
The responsibilities outline on the application form are a high-level indication of what the role entails, for a detailed discussion, please contact us (england.muslim1@nhs.net) and we will set up a meeting with the Co-Chairs to discuss the roles further.
Please note, the above roles (as with all roles within the NHSMN) are voluntary roles and do not attract a compensation. InshAllah, our reward will be much bigger and better from Allah S.W.T.
We are looking for a committed and dedicated Executive team, so please only apply if you will be able to attend meetings/events after working hours and can commit to being part of an ambitious team delivering on an exceptional vision.
The deadline for applications is 5pm, Friday 9 September 2022.
We are committed to helping you improve and maintain positive health and wellbeing. We promote self-care and specific interventions to support you to stay healthy both mentally and physically.
Please click below to view the NHSE health and wellbeing offer pack.
The Day of Ashura is an Islamic holiday that occurs on the 10th day of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar. This year Ashura took place on Sunday, 7 August until Monday, 8 August. For the Sunni majority, the day is marked with fasting and special prayers in mosques. For Shia Muslims, it marks the anniversary of the killing of the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson Hussain during the Battle of Karbala, and is therefore a day of mourning.
World Breastfeeding Week is an annual event and this year it took place from 1st August 2022 to 7th August 2022. This year’s theme was ‘Step Up for Breastfeeding: Educate and Support’, with the aim to strengthen capacity to protect, promote and support breastfeeding across different levels of society. By working together with local communities, the NHS supported various events throughout England where people came together to share their stories and educate one another.
What are the benefits of breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding has long-term benefits for mothers and their babies, lasting right into adulthood. Any amount of breast milk has a positive effect, the longer the duration of breastfeeding, the longer the protection lasts and the greater the benefits.
Dr Bal Sidhu, Dr Nisar-ul-Haque and Dr Uzma Haque spoke with colleagues who made their Journey of Empire during the 1960s.
We all know first-generation immigrants arriving in the country faced some challenging times. They often came with very little in terms of personal possessions, encountered language barriers and adjusted to the unknown in a new country. They searched for jobs, bought new houses and worked long hours, all to set up a new life for themselves and their families.
Due to staff shortages in the newly formed NHS, more than 18,000 doctors and medical staff travelled to England from former British Colonies including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Some were already qualified, whilst others came over at a younger age and then went onto pursue a career within the NHS.
Read and learn about their experience when they moved across the UK to start their life in a new country.
Menopause awareness
Watch the vide on Menopause Awareness, by Jacqui McBurnie. This menopause awareness video clarifies what the menopause is by outlining the symptoms to help make you more aware and more able to support colleagues in the organisation whilst looking after their health and wellbeing. The video also covers some practical interventions such as managing your own environment, a practical tool to manage your own symptoms and map your own menopausal journey and help with any line manager conversations.
Dr David Rassam who is a medical doctor in the NHS is conducting original empirical research involving Muslim doctors in the UK, as part of his dissertation project for an MA in Bioethics and Medical Law at St. Mary’s University in Twickenham. His research will be exploring the attitudes toward abortion and conscientious objection among Muslim doctors in the UK.
This would help the research project immensely as a greater number of completed questionnaires will help strengthen the survey findings and subsequent recommendations. The survey should only take 5-10 minutes to complete.
This research will be highly informative and illuminating on a topic with very little research, He is keen to identify what areas require work to ensure the rights of Muslim doctors to conscientiously object are adequately protected.