The National NHS Muslim Network are excited to welcome all our Muslim colleagues, allies and friends to our Celebrating South Asian Heritage Month Event!    

Date: Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Time: 5-6pm 

Platform: MS Teams

This year South Asian Heritage Month’s (2024) theme is ‘Free to be me’, which is all about celebrating the diverse experiences of being South Asian, sharing similarities and honouring our differences, a platform for highlighting voices, being proud of who we are, acknowledging that not everyone feels free to be themselves and educating ourselves.

The event will be hosted by the Co-Chairs of the network and will feature the following incredible guest speakers: 

  • Salma Yaseen, Chief Executive, Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Athar Khan, Associate Director People & Culture, London Ambulance NHS Trust.
  • Shahana Ramsden, Director of System Workforce, North Central London ICB.
  • Ali Aslam, Deputy Director, EDI Education & Training Portfolios, NHS England.
  • Faizah Mustafa, Project Manager, NHS England.

To attend please become a member: