The Muslim Network has compiled a list of offers available to NHS staff that the network members can benefit from. Alongside signposting to existing schemes and resources, the Network is considering what bespoke services are still needed for the members.  

The overarching aim of this work is to facilitate Muslim staff across the NHS to network, build contacts and engage with local communities, and gain opportunities for professional and personal development. The aim is to support NHS Muslim staff to progress in their careers and thus increase the number of Muslim staff in NHS senior leadership positions across all seven regions in England.  

NHSE/I offer: 

  • NHSE/I Learning and Development Hub includes a range of training for NHSE/I staff around areas like leadership, team development, communication etc. 
  • Limited training options from networks within NHSE/I, you can reach out to specific networks (ie Womens Network or BAME Network) to see if they have any offers. 

NHS wide:  

The NHS Leadership Academy offers a range of courses, some specific to BAME staff in the NHS. The Academy offers free training and development as well as paid courses. 

Local leadership academies offer more frequent regional events for staff as well as mentoring opportunities. You can find what your region might be offering by clicking on the links below: 

ProjectM is a place and space for team leaders and managers to undertake a range of offers such as virtual training and learning groups.  

  • NHS bitesize learning offers a range of short virtual courses for NHS staff on a number of development areas. 
  • The NHS offers the opportunity to join a group with colleagues from across the NHS for support and learning. 


NHS employees can take time off to undertake volunteering, this can be an opportunity to give back but also to develop a number of skills (teamwork, leadership, communication etc.). You can choose a place to volunteer and speak to your line manager about getting time off for this. 

  • Emerald Network is a UK Muslim professionals network, offering events and initiatives for Muslim professionals.  
  • ConsortiuM is a network for Muslim professionals in the UK offering an annual mentoring scheme. 

Role of the NHS Muslim Network: 

The Network aims to signpost to existing resources to ensure Muslim staff are aware of what is available to them, however we offer a number of initiatives too. 

  • The Muslim Network can offer coaching and mentorship opportunities, we do not have a scheme however we can do this on an individual basis.  
  • The Network runs a number of their own training workshops/seminars, these are on an ad hoc basis so please do keep an eye out in the Newsletter and Calendar where these events will be advertised. 
  • The Network is setting up Action Learning Sets for its members. We are seeking expressions of interest so feel free and signup and we will get in touch with you. 

Guidance and templates

STAR Framework – This template has been produced by the NHS Muslim Network to be used by staff as a guide in writing and practicing their interview questions and answers, by following the STAR framework.

To view the video, you may need to login using your ID